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The name of the organization is the Friends of the Monona Public Library (hereinafter Friends of MPL).


The purpose of the Friends of MPL is to promote library services, materials and programs for the Monona community; encourage gifts and bequests to the library; provide support for the library's programs; and, encourage the broadest possible use of library facilities, materials, and services. 




Membership in the Friends of MPL shall be open to all individuals and organizations who are interested in its purpose. Membership dues and classification are established by the Board of the Friends of the MPL. 




The Friends of MPL is organized specifically for charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.


The Friends of MPL shall not use earnings for the benefit of members, officers or other private persons. The organization is authorized to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered or expenses incurred in furtherance of the purposes set forth above.


The Friends of MPL shall not carry on any other activities not permitted by:


  1. an organization exempt from the Federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue Law) or

  2. an organization, contributions to which are deductible under Section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).



The business of the Friends of MPL will be managed under the direction of a Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as the Board officers). 


The Board officer positions shall consist of: President, Vice President/President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. The library director shall be an ex-officio member. City of Monona elected officials are prohibited from being a board officer.


Board officers must be members in good standing of the Friends of MPL and must be able to attend a majority of board meetings. Board officers shall be elected at the annual meeting of the general membership by a majority of those present and voting. A nominating committee appointed by the President shall submit a slate of officer candidates at the annual meeting. Nominations may also be made from the floor. 


The term of board officers shall be two years, with members eligible to serve additional terms. Terms will alternate with the President and Vice President expiring in odd numbered years and Secretary and Treasurer in even number years. Vacancies arising among Board officers shall be filled by appointment of the President with approval of the Board.  


With Board approval, the President may appoint committee chairs with specific responsibilities (i.e. Bookstore, Fundraising, Membership, Communications, Community Partnerships/Outreach, etc). 


Board of Directors & Committee Chairs Position Descriptions:

President: The president prepares meeting agendas, chairs board and annual meetings, oversees Friends committees, and carries out duties as directed by the Friends Board. 


Vice President: The vice president serves as an advisor to the president, chairs meetings in the president’s absence and serves as the Friends volunteer coordinator. The vice president also serves as the president-elect and will assume the duties of president upon the termination of the president’s term or in case of the president’s resignation.


Secretary: The secretary records and posts minutes of meetings.


Treasurer: The treasurer handles deposits and disbursements as directed by the Board, maintains all financial records, and prepares an annual budget for review and approval of the board. The treasurer also provides financial reports for meetings and maintains and submits all tax-related documents.  


Committee Chairs: Chairs of the various board committees prepare agendas and chair committee meetings. They will also report to the board of directors on a regular basis about their committee activities.



Board Meetings: The Board officers and committee chairs will meet at least quarterly during the year. A quorum shall be a majority of Board officers present and voting. Unless circumstances require that a special Board meeting be scheduled, the next meeting date will be determined by the Board at the end of the preceding meeting.   


Notice of quarterly Board Meetings shall be posted at the same places in the library as library board notices. The Board may also publicize the quarterly Board Meeting dates and locations through other communication and social media channels as desired. All quarterly Board Meetings are open to the general membership and the public.


Annual Meeting:  The Friends of MPL shall hold an annual meeting of the general membership in May of each year. The meeting agenda will include election of Board officers, a financial update, discussion of major initiatives for the coming year, and action on any other necessary business. Notice of the annual meeting shall be posted at the same places in the library as library board notices. The Board may also publicize the meeting date and location through other communication and social media channels as desired.  


Any member who has paid dues in the current year shall be entitled to vote in person (or by other means offered by the board) at any general or annual meeting. Up to two individuals with the same family membership may vote. A quorum for the annual meeting shall consist of those present and voting, provided appropriate notice has been given. 


Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, when not in conflict with these by-laws, shall govern all meetings.





The fiscal year of the Friends of MPL will run from May 1st to the following April 30th.


All funds accruing to the organization will be deposited in the account of the Friends of MPL and shall be disbursed by the treasurer as authorized by the Board. A treasurer’s report will be presented at each board meeting and if deemed necessary, the Board is authorized to request an audit of accounts.


The treasurer or designee shall be responsible for providing any financial reports and information required by the IRS or federal or state law to the appropriate authorities. 




Upon the dissolution of the Friends MPL, all of the remaining assets will be distributed to the Monona Public Library. If the Monona Public Library is no longer in existence or in any way unable to receive the assets, the Board will select and distribute them to an organization exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.  




These by-laws may be amended first by the Board and then adopted by a majority vote of present members at a meeting of the general membership. Notice will be given to all members of such a vote at least one week before the meeting.



Approved 3/19/81; Revised 5/1/81; Revised 5/11/15; Revised & Approved June 5, 2023

Approved June 2023

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